Registration is Open for the Spring 2025 competition! With the support of Glacier Bank, we will feature new prizes for more students and more schools!
We had over 1,800 students and teams competing in the Fall Stock Market Game across 50 schools! We encourage you to look ahead at the program next year to learn financial and investment education while competing for cash prizes. Glacier Bancorp and its family of Montana Banks will sponsor all team fees.
The Stock Market Game is a nine-week simulation in which students are given a hypothetical $100,000 to invest in the stock market. Students must have at least five separate stocks and/or mutual funds at the end of the simulation, so research and diversification are crucial for success. Top state winners are given cash awards thanks to the generous sponsorship of Glacier Bancorp and its Montana family of banks.
To register for the Stock Market Game, go to the SMG web page,, and click on the link in the upper right hand corner of the page labeled ‘Registration’. Follow the instructions to complete your registration. Contact Dax Schieffer at for further information.
Skyview winning students with MCEE Board Member Ken Laddusaw and Teacher Jordan Hasquet, prizes by Western Security Bank
Hosted by the SIFMA Foundation in collaboration with MCEE and Glacier Banks, this competition has once again highlighted the importance of equipping our youth with practical financial skills and knowledge. The Stock Market Game allows students to delve into the intricate world of stock trading by investing a virtual $100,000 in real-time stock markets. Through this experiential learning platform, students gain in valuable insights into economics, finance, and the dynamics of the financial markets.
How does the Stock Market Game work?
Timing: 9-week class simulation with first trades starting January 21 until April 11, 2025, students/teachers have maximum flexibility to make trades at any cadence from weekly to daily.
Who: The Stock Market Game curriculum, lessons, hands-on student activities, and virtual events combine content, critical thinking, research, and analytical skills in a real-world simulation. The online Teacher Support Center offers more than 1,000 lesson plans that reinforce Montana teaching standards, STEM requirements, and 21st century skills. The lessons and professional development opportunities for teachers are designed to help students learn the fundamentals of long-term saving and investing. Students enhance their knowledge in core curriculum subjects including math, language arts, economics, and social studies, and develop life skills such as financial preparedness, teamwork, and social-emotional learning.
The benefits of participating in the Stock Market Game extend far beyond the competition itself. Students develop essential skills such as research, analysis, risk assessment, and decision-making, all while cultivating a deeper understanding of economic principles and market dynamics. Moreover, the experience fosters a sense of financial responsibility and prepares students for future endeavors in academia, career, and personal finance.
There will be a cash prizes for the top five teams in Montana:
• 1st Place: $500 per team
• 2nd Place: $300 per team
• 3rd Place: $200 per team
• 4th Place: $100 per team
• 5th Place: $75 per team
$50 Visa Gift Cards will be presented to teams 6-10 and top Class C, Class B, Class A, Class AA, and Junior High Team. Rewards will also be provided to most improved team’s stock price from mid-way point. Prizes and team fees covered by Glacier Banks, First Security Bank Bozeman, Valley Bank of Helena, First Security Bank Missoula, Frist Bank of Montana, and Western Security Bank.
Optional teacher professional development training will be offered via zoom with tips and tools on teaching investing with teacher stipends sponsored by Visa and the Council for Economic Education.
The dates and times will be: